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Ben Primus

Founder & Partner

Ben Primus is a Red Seal, Master Electrician with a class A FSR certification as well as a certification from the Canadian Solar Institute. His 21 years of experience in the electrical trade and 15 years of experience in business leadership make him the perfect operations manager for Gott Energy.

Alterative energy is an excellent accent to the electrical industry, and Ben’s passion for learning new systems made his part in founding and managing Gott Energy the natural next step for him.

It’s not all work and no play. Ben makes sure to prioritize his time outside of work camping, biking, and travelling with his family.

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Ben Primus

Founder & Partner

Ben Primus is a Red Seal, Master Electrician with a class A FSR certification as well as a certification from the Canadian Solar Institute. His 21 years of experience in the electrical trade and 15 years of experience in business leadership make him the perfect operations manager for Gott Energy.

Alterative energy is an excellent accent to the electrical industry, and Ben’s passion for learning new systems made his part in founding and managing Gott Energy the natural next step for him.

It’s not all work and no play. Ben makes sure to prioritize his time outside of work camping, biking, and travelling with his family.

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